Our Origin
Behind every success of HOERBIGER are dedicated people. They are the ones who develop a product or design a business model, make it a reality, and play a part in its success. They make the difference - ever since 1895, when Hanns Hörbiger applied for a patent for his steel plate valve.
1895Hanns Hoerbiger invents novel valve for compressors
The steel plate valve invented by Hanns Hörbiger is patented. The valve plate opens when the gas pressure is high enough and closes as long as the spring pressure is higher than the gas pressure.
The HOERBIGER steel plate valve brings about a tremendous improvement in performance
in the compressors used for steelmaking at that time. It makes steel production much more reliable and efficient than would have been thought possible at the time, and also paves the way for the invention of modern high-pressure chemistry.

1900Foundation of design office
Hanns Hörbiger founds a design office in Budapest together with the engineer Friedrich Wilhelm Rogler. This office is moved to Vienna in 1903.
1925Foundation of trading company Hoerbiger & Co
The HOERBIGER & Co. trading company with headquarters in Vienna is formed from the design office.

1931Alfred Hörbiger starts in-house production of valves in Vienna-Simmering
Alfred Hörbiger, the second eldest son of the company founder, starts in-house valve production in Vienna-Simmering.
Between 1925 and 1945, HOERBIGER & Co. is granted 171 patents for inventions and further developments in the field of compressor valves and controls.

1945Reconstruction of the plant
After the destruction of the Viennese production plant in the last year of World War II and the unexpected death of Alfred Hörbiger, his wife Martina Hörbiger, who worked for the company, succeeds in rebuilding the plant.
1947Martina Hörbiger resumes international relations
Martina Hörbiger resumes international relations:
first in Europe, later also in America, Africa and Asia.

Beginning diversification by starting production of compressed air components.
1958Production setup for powertrain components
1963Foundation of HOERBIGER Corporation of America
Since the end of the 1950s, HOERBIGER has been building up its own sales organization in North America, which is followed in 1963 by the founding of HOERBIGER Corporation of America and the establishment of its own production facilities. in 1970, HOERBIGER Nippon K.K. is founded in Japan, and initial contacts are established with Taiwan, Korea and China.

1971Worldwide network of service companies is formed
Entry into the service business for compressors. As a result, HOERBIGER grows into the global emerging markets at a very early stage.
1989Martina Hörbiger dies
Martina Hörbiger, the owner of the group of companies, dies at the age of 87.
She leaves the new management of the HOERBIGER Group of Companies, still appointed by her and the Board of Trustees of the HOERBIGER Foundation, the challenge of continuing the company's activities in her spirit, but also of reorganizing the corporate structure, which had been predominantly focused on her personality in the years before.
1992Formation of the HOERBIGER group of companies
Reorganization into three divisions:
Compression Technology, Drive Technology, Automation Technology.
1997HOERBIGER Holding AG becomes Group holding company
2015Establishment of the Safety business unit

2016Opening of the new site in Vienna-Aspern

2019HOERBIGER acquires Deublin

2020HOERBIGER celebrates its 125th anniversary